Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The things I find Sensual:

Just going to quickly show you some more photos from the sights of Barcelona.  Sorry I'm not writing more today.  I have gone and lost my voice and can't talk.  Giggle...

Seriously.  I have lost my voice!

If I think about it, these photos encompass a good majority of who I am and what I feel strongly about: the fresh air and nature, spirituality and esthetics, and some damn good hedonism.  You decide what's missing.  :)

Arc de Triomf y Parc de La Cuitadella (very enjoyable for a Sunday picnic, stroll, hang with friends...)

Trixis - three-wheeled cycle taxis (just thought I'd show you this picture for the fun of it!)

Night out at DBOY for La Madame - totally crazy.  The music was really hard trance, and the place was packed with very young 20-something year olds... Mark it on your calendar folks: I can honestly say that I CAN NOT KEEP UP ANY LONGER! 

Who can stop themselves from taking a picture of the seeexy dancing boy?  not me!

Jessie and I got to practice our Spanish - these two devils spoke no English whatsoever.

La Sagrada Familia - After weeks of walking right by it every day, I finally went inside!  Darn, my battery died half way through my tour, but let me just say that if you only have time for one sight while visiting Barcelona, THIS IS IT!  It is Fan-Friggin'-Tastic!  Love it, love it, love it!

The construction of one of the columns from the inside (18 in total to be constructed)

The columns branch out like trees, creating a forest-like effect.  This church was completely and thoroughly thought through.  Gaudi's finest and final work, La Sagrada Familia is still under construction and set to be completed within 20 years.
Hope you enjoyed the pics!  Now, back to memorizing the Indefinido tense ... Yo dije, tu dijiste, el dijo... etc etc etc.... ugh.

Charleen xo

1 comment:

  1. great pics Char, it has been almost 20 years since I walked the streets of Barcelona. Loved everything about it people, food , culture ,except maybe the street hustlers with the marble under the half shells.
