Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One month in...

So I've been overseas for over a month now.  It seems like longer, doesn't it?  I'd say it was definitely a hard month for me.  Getting used to everything, feeling emotional a lot of the time, getting acquainted with my barri and the rest of Barcelona, starting classes, hearing and speaking the language daily, feeling unsettled but not really sure why.... I chalk it all up to being homesick.  But today as I was walking home from the gym, the warm autumn air through my hair and a clip in my step, I realized that the worst part is over.  I am settling in.  I'm sure there are still more bumps and glitches to come, but I'm feeling good. 

And talking about the gym, it's high time I got myself a membership at one!  It's been a few months since I worked out and except for the few hot yoga classes I was able to squeeze in before I left Vancouver, I haven't done too much in the way of actual exercise.  Yes, I've been walking a ton, but not really sweating too hard.  I found an awesome gym just a couple of blocks west of my Spanish classes, called Metropolitan. It is DE-LUX!  check it out at:

Wow.  The Metropolitan Familia Sagrada is split into about 4 or 5 different levels, and the interior design is very modern with lots of natural light.  There is a sundeck up top.  The piscinas are divine, and I truly feel like I've been to the spa after every workout.  Different types of therapeutic showers to rinse yourself in, the warm pools with various types of jets you can sit under for an invigorating aqua massage, not to mention the be-eautiful little aqua beds that you lie down on, run your finger over a scanner, and all of a sudden little jets blow warm bubbles all over your body from your head to your toes!  Then there's the sauna, the aromatherapy turkish bath, the designer restaurant serving delicious, healthy meals and smoothies, and all the other additions like towel service, cushy leather sofas in the change rooms, free WiFi, a secure and spacious locker area, a dimly lit chill out space with massage chairs, a huge spinning room and workout room, all brand new equipment and cardio machines, an actual day spa on one of the levels.... and the list goes on and on and on.  I spend three hours there every time I go.  The classes and instructors are all excellent, of course, and there is a cleaning lady attending the change room all day long.  A four star boutique hotel adjoins it.  Hmmm... now where do I find something like THIS in Vancouver? 

What else is going on?  Well, because teaching English has been a topic that's been hanging over my head ever since I decided to come to Spain, and because I know it's a good practical way to earn an income (ie: live here longer), I decided to register for an on-line TESL Foundations Course which is being offered through International House and starts this Monday.  After taking this 8 week course, I'll know for sure whether or not I want to pursue teaching English, and put out the E1,550 to take the CELTA Certification Course in January.  The Foundations course is a short introductory course for people with some interest in the English language teaching profession and who want to discover more fully what is involved in language teaching before committing to a fuller qualification.  So it's perfect for me.  Over the next 8 weeks, I'll learn the general principles in learning and teaching, how to teach grammar and vocabulary, and how to design a lesson plan.  Cool, huh?  If TESL isn't for me, then I'll know very soon.

Hey all, I want you to take a few minutes out of your day to watch this cute YouTube video that my nephew Jaicen and his friend put together.  They are pretty funny, and I think it's a job well done by two twelve year olds.  I hope you enjoy it!  You'll know who Jaicen is.  He looks like his aunt.  :)

Charleen xo

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