Saturday, October 3, 2009

Three Cheers for Gracia!

Hip Hip Hooray!

Last night I decided to wander into Gracia, the area of town where my girlfriend Rosa Amuedo lives.  I was so enchanted by its distinct difference from the busy streets of Barcelona, that I fell in love with the area instantly.  So I once again found myself visiting the "barri", in search of a movie theatre that Rosa had told me about.  Gracia is a maze of little side streets and squares where very few cars can drive, and where pedestrians can walk in clusters down the middle of the street.  I love that!  Swarms of people obviously feel similarly, and go to check out the tons of little bars, cafes, and cool restaurants that absolutely pepper the entire area.  Gracia has a very lively and bohemiam energy to it, and the best part is that you don't have to deal with the constant flow of traffic that you normally would in Barcelona.  Actually, Gracia used to be its own separate little pueblo (village) north of Barna, and some of the squares were used for public executions back in the day.  While maybe that thought isn't too heart-warming, today Gracia is a lively stomping ground for tourists and residents alike.   Myself, I'm totally fascinated by the tree-lined, cobblestone streets, funky shops and choices of bars in the area.  All within 30 minutes walk from my place, too!

Yes, if you haven't already noticed, I'm walking a ton!  Maybe too much even as my knees are starting to hurt.  Last night I donned my New Balance running shoes for the hoof into Gracia, and located the 5 room movie theatre that Rosa told me about, the Cinemes Verdi.  Well, 5 rooms on one side of the block, and then on the other side there are an additional 4 rooms.  You know I enjoy a good movie probably more than the regular person.  Most of the movies at this theatre are in English with Spanish subtitles.  There are some foreign flicks too.  I watched "The Informant" with Matt Damon.  While I was chuckling and guffawing, everyone else was silent.  It was muy estrango.  Every now and then I'd read the subtitles to see if I could understand the translation.  From what I could make out, the translated subtitles come no where near to doing the original script justice.  It's too bad really.  Wonderful acting, direction, writing, and subtle god knows what else are all totally wasted on the Spanish because, really, some things you just can't translate!  It's no wonder they just didn't understand it.  Me, I'm accustomed to going to a movie on my own.  It's one of the things I enjoy most - no trying to find a show that everyone wants to see, or a time and location that suits all.  Just me picking up at the last minute and taking myself to any movie of my choice, any time, anywhere.  Priding myself on being quite the "Critic", some just don't want to see the same shows I do, nor do they appreciate the artistic value in some of the movies I choose to watch.  And that's totally fine.  But going to a movie on my own last night was bizarre... like this time I really WAS the only one who understood it.  Great show, by the way.  You know Matt Damon never fails to impress...

So I'm a little bored here, I admit.  I know you're asking "how the hell can you be bored??", but it's true.  Here's the thing: I don't have any friends!  I have met one or two people (such as Jessie McNeil from Vancouver, who is a total doll and we're going to go dancing together very soon!  See pic below!), and another friend, Jordi Garcia from Tarrassa, but that's all.  My roommate and her boyfriend basically hang out together, like, all the time, and the two seater couch doesn't exactly leave much room for a fifth-wheel sitting in for a family tv night, now does it?   So I walk and walk and walk and walk... and my knees get sore, so I pop ibuprofen or tylenol, I take siestas, and then walk and walk and walk some more... then, like the other night, I go out really late looking for something different to amuse myself with.  But really.  There's only so much a girl can or wants to do on her own.  I'm enjoying my freedom, don't get me wrong.  And I'm totally enjoying discovering this city.  But I admit that I miss even having my own tv to sit in front of if I choose to stay in for an evening, you know?  I'm going to check out a yoga studio next week, and I have yet to start my search for a good gym... those two social options will definitely take some of the edge off my pent-up energy and mounting loneliness.  But sometimes I'll find myself thinking too much, and all of a sudden I'm choking back the tears again.  "Quick Char! Pull out the breathing exercises and positive affirmations!", is what my guides tell me.  Always by my side, they don't let me get too far into the depths of self-pity any longer.  And I have to pat my own back here too: I'm getting good with those exercises!  I've come a long way, baby!

I am continuing to recieve bits and pieces of information from various people, so there's lots to explore in this fantastic city.  For example, I know the area of Riberia (another barrie in Barcelona) is having a music festival this month, and in Sitges, just outside of Barcelona, there is a film festival.  And you know, I guess I knew I'd be lonely and possibly bored at times, but I didn't expect it to hit me only two weeks in.  Always looking around the corner to curb my curious appetite, I never have been able to sit still for long.  So tonight I called my twin sister, my best friend, and my dad.  Dad is already inviting me to come home for Christmas, which I don't think I'll be able to do unless I make it a full move back to Canada.  It's way too early for me to say that I'd be into that.  Yes, I'm lonely.  Yes, I'm a little bored.  But no, I'm not ready to come home.  

My classes start on Monday and I'm really looking forward to them.  I will stop feeling like I'm on vacation, and start feeling like I'm really working towards moving in the direction I want to go in.  Something concrete.  And I will hopefully also get into some sort of routine, whether it's a couple of yoga classes a week and/or a run around Montjuic in the evenings, I will soon really start feeling like I'm a part of this town.  I know it's only a matter of time.  In the meantime, I might treat myself to another night out again (which is kindof weird on my own, but I'm getting used to it now), but this time I'll sleep until 4:00 a.m or 5:00 a.m., then see if I can find an after-hours or something.  Apparently that's how it's done here.  And why not, right?

Charleen xo


  1. Gosh Dove, wat a stories you can write!

  2. Gosh Dove, it's just very good! Moving and intriguing. Keep up this good work. Cu, ciaox.
