Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Que Buena Fiesta!!

First, an update: My small suitcase was found and I had it by 5:00 the day after I arrived. Phew! My laptop is still intact, and I am fully enjoying my vacation now. Second: my Rubbermaid container is still missing.

So for those of you who don’t know, the club season in Ibiza runs from mid-June till end of September only. From start to finish, and everything in between, it is pure hedonistic mayhem here on the island. Pacha is the only club that stays open year-round here, and they are said to have some wonderful Christmas and New Year’s celebrations where everyone who lives on the island comes out to play. Well, last night I had the distinct pleasure of going to Privilege, the world’s largest night club, to see Tiesto’s Closing Party. Tiesto is a world famous trance DJ from The Netherlands who was at Number 1 for years (some of you might remember him from the Opening Cermonies of the Athens Olympics in 2004), and is still in the top 3. He is very popular, and his music influences people from all corners of the world. People from all races and age groups, young and old, black and white, came to Ibiza to see his last concert on the island for the season. Now last year I happened to be on the island for some of the opening parties in June, and was able to attend the Monza opening party at Privilege, the promoter for heavy German underground beats. That was the first time I got to experience the 10,000 capacity club. Of course there weren’t too many people in attendance that night, so many of the floors, bars, back rooms, and verandas were closed. WELL NOT LAST NIGHT! Wow wow wow wow! I must say, if you’re going to experience Privilege at its finest, it might as well be at a Tiesto party, and last night’s show will go down as one of the most unforgettable parties I’ve ever been to. The only downer is that I didn’t bring my camera! Well, it’s not my fault really. Last year when I came to Privilege we weren’t allowed to bring them in, so this year I kept mine locked up in the car. Turns out that everyone and their dog was taking pictures and filming the fantastic light show (think: Lite Brite style board that covers the entire front wall of the club, flashing “TIESTO” and “ MAKE SOME NOISE, IBIZA!!”, with laser shows generating huge, airborne doves in the middle of the gigantic main room.) Oh yes, and don’t forget the ice machines blasting cold air out at you every 15 minutes or so, the deeeelicious, oiled up and sparkling dancers who wore wigs of gold tinsel, and the explosions of silver sprinkles and colourful ribbons filling the room at various times throughout the night. Privilege even has a swimming pool in the middle of it, but no one was interested in jumping in last night! They were there to dance and had their feet firmly planted on the ground. Tiesto absolutely ROCKED IT! Even he was dancing! The crowd seemed super excited to be in attendance and there was a real festive feeling in the air. Everyone in every inch of the place was shaking their tail feathers! What I like most about clubbing in Ibiza is that it’s really a sensual experience all around – the sights are just as phenomenal as the sounds, and the clubs are luxuriously and stylishly decked out, most with various rooms and balconies with which to get lost in. Another great thing about Ibiza is that I am not anywhere close to being one of the eldest at the club, not like I am in booorrring Vancouver, where one has to be a sloppy, aggressive and pretentious 20-something to be “in” in the city. Not here. Last night, everyone partied together, and that added to the international feeling of the place and also gave me a better appreciation for Tiesto’s authority over everyone. He played for 4 hours straight, shutting it down at 7:00 a.m., and his two opening DJ’s were impressive too (not sure of their names, sorry!).  Side Note: Tiesto was looking so BUFF!  We were up close and centre all night long, so I can attest to his fine form!  yum yum bubblegum!  :)

But don’t let me forget to tell you about the two Argentinean men who wouldn’t stop dancing with me all night long! Juan and Pedro were a ton of fun, totally crazy, and like most Argentineans, had excellent rhythm and dance moves. They didn’t speak a word of English, which forced me to step up to the plate with my Spanish, even while under the influence of vodka and tonic! At one point, a cute little Scottish girl came by with glow-in-the-dark finger paint and painted us all up with tattoos and warrior-style markings. I only left the dance floor to get a drink (twice, at 12 euros/drink – but they are free-poured and super strong!) and twice to hit the bano. Other than that, I could not have dreamed of being anywhere else! After the show, the three of us drove back into Ibiza Town and had cafĂ© con leches and croissants, then back to their hotel in Figurettes to continue partying (which was okay, because the entire hotel must've been at the same concert, and were up still partying themselves!). I did actually get to doze off for a bit, and woke up feeling queasy with an incredible headache. All I could seem to mumble was: Uhhg…me duele me cabeza (my head hurts), and before I knew it the Argentinean boys were on it STAT! And here’s a new Spanish word for you all to remember: Aspirina. That’s right, Aspirin. Directions: For rapid improvement over your wretched situation, dissolve two aspirins in half a glass of Pepsi. Guzzle. Wait ten minutes or so. Works like a charm!

So, sorry I don’t have any further pictures from last night, but Juan and Pedro have promised to email me some and when they do I will be sure to share!

Today has been laden with thunder showers, but that’s perfect because I needed to sleep all afternoon anyways! Tonight I am going back to Alok’s for dinner, and then tomorrow hopefully the sun will come out so I can sit by the pool and soak it up all day long. Staying at a really nice place, check it out: http://www.hotelvillage.net/.

Lots more to tell you about, including my trip back to the cliffs overlooking Es Vedra, so until next time, xoxo