Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bigotes Restaurant

A while back I read about a restaurant in Ibiza that is legend - El Bigote Restaurant.  I had already decided that the next time I went to Ibiza, I'd try to find this place.  And I did!

Bigotes restaurant at Cala Mastella, on the north-east side of the island, is nestled in a small cove almost literally in the middle of nowhere.  You can park close by but you still have to walk in and be sure to show up early to make a reservation.  I could see why that was necessary: the place is built out of a tiny fishing shack, with canopies and umbrellas set up for shade.  Lunch is served only once at 2:30 pm, so if you're not there by 2:00 to make your reservation, slim chance of getting a seat.  Tables are set for 5 or 6 people and, as I was solo, I shared my table with two lovely girls from England who were on a quest to scope out all the great, hidden eating places on the island.  They were not let down by yesterday's meal!  At Bigotes, they serve what is called "Bullit de Peix", which made in one large pot in which a giant fish (caught fresh that day) is cooked in a stew of potatoes and saffron.  And that's just the first course!  The second course is rice which has been added to the remaining fish stock and cooked to perfection!  They didn't really have desert, but you could order icecream if you really needed it - which I didn't (burp!).  I did try their Cafe Caleta afterwards though, which is alcohol and coffee, and maybe something sweet mixed together.  It was all very delicious, very precious, and a great experience!  I'm so glad I planned to look for this place, and actually had no problem scoping it out once I put my mind to it (note: if you ever plan to visit Ibiza, RENT A CAR).  The skies opened up and dumped on us almost all afternoon, but it didn't bother any of us there as we were all too busy enjoying our meals to give a dang!  How much did this delicious experience cost me?  Two courses, a beer, and a coffee was E23.  Very nice!