Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Candy Jar

Ladies, Ladies. Step right up and put your hand in the candy jar and see what you get! If you don’t like it, you can toss it back in and choose another.

Ibiza is such a melting pot of countries and cultures that one needn’t decide to just hang with any old fella. No sir, you can have your pick at any time, any place. And girlfriends, there are more than enough to pick from, so haggling with one another will not be an issue. Everyone can benefit from such a divine smorgasbord of tasty candy! Take last night for example. I was in attendance at Erick Morillo’s Subliminal Sessions at Pacha, and there were a kazzilion people who had come out, all looking divine, for the sensual experience that only Pacha can truly offer. Someone asked me once which club I thought was the best in Ibiza. Hands down, it’s gotta be Pacha. Any night of the week you can come and listen to the world’s top dj’s belt out the most progressive of tunes, while feasting on the delicious assortments of eye candy on display. Erick Morillo is a fantastic DJ, he’s so fantastic in fact that Vancouver can’t afford to bring him out for a show. At $10,000/night, he demands to play at only the finest of venues in the world. The treat of going out to such a beautiful night club, and listening to such a fantastic DJ obviously puts people in the mood for looooove!

As I’m here alone, I walked to the front door of the club to buy a ticket for myself, which would have cost E60, but the yummy piece of candy at the front door, Spanish in orientation, asked me if I was “sola” and I said “si”, and he said, “pasa!” (come in). That was just the beginning to a truly awesome evening! Then I slipped in to the Pacha restaurant, which is just inside the front doors of the club. Oooh la la! Only the most classiest and pretentious dine at Pacha, but I just wanted a drink! Paul Van Dyk was dining with his entourage, and the restaurant was full of Ibiza’s finest clubbers, all decked out in the latest fashions and accessories. I sat at the bar and ordered an espresso and watched the tasty morsels come and go, and then got chatting with an English couple who were starting their evening there at Pacha, but then were planning on heading over to La Troya’s closing party, which is said to be the best closing party on the island – all the locals come out for it. Alas, I couldn’t be persuaded to go with them, but we sipped Mojitos together and had light hearted, sexy, and playful conversation together. Then through the other side of the restaurant I floated through the door and onto a terrace, to a room called “The Funky Room”. The sala was all jazzed up with comfy little white couches and flowing white curtains, candles lit everywhere, and the music was so great! Truly funky house! I don’t know who the DJ’s were, but I shook it like nobody’s business! Such fun! It wasn’t long before my first pick of candy of the night, the Dutch brand, offered his services to me. But ahh. I found him too flighty for me, and he was definitely way too high and not exactly “tasteful” in my opinion. Although he meant well, he couldn’t keep his hands off my curly hair, so had to toss him back in the bowl. Another would gladly be interested in that piece of candy, I thought. Next came the Italian type of bon bon that truly is scrumptious to look at, with close cut salt and pepper hair, steely blue eyes, and a very beautiful pair of Italian shoes! Alas, he could speak no English, no Spanish, and maybe only two words of French. Those components aside, he was so touchy/feely, and was having a hard time keeping his slick Italian paws off of me! So I threw him back in the candy bowl too, knowing fully that he would be exactly perfect for someone else’s appetite. So on I mosey down through yet another back door, and out into the massive main hall, where Erick Morillo was already in full swing, driving people wild and blasting the sirens! If they could have, the crowd would have been swinging from the rafters! That’s how huge his energy is! Well well, I thought. There sure is some might deeeelicious looking candy in here tonight! I sauntered over to one of the many bars, and flagged down the pretty bartender for my standard vodka and soda. I didn’t even notice the huge chunk of candy standing right beside me! That was until he turned and looked me right in the eyes and asked me where I was from….wowza! No sweetie, the question is where are YOU from? Hee hee hee….it turns out that he was of the German flavour, Dusseldorf to be exact (wearing an AC/DC Back In Black t-shirt, no less!), and was exactly what the doctor ordered! No pawing, no sweating or drooling on me, no sticking his tongue down my throat… no, just good clean conversation, which lead to some delectable two way flirting. But he did not put his hands on me uninvited, and I definitely never felt that I had to get the heck away for some air!! Furthermore, he was such a man that he kept his focus firmly fixed on me all night long. An absolute gentleman, as Germans are, he would never have considered letting me attempt to maneuver through the packed-like-sardines dance floor without him guiding me through first. Now THAT is exactly how I like my candy! Furthermore, we both came to the conclusion that it would be in both of our countries best interests that we establish a rapport with one another. Sigh… all done humbly in the name of good international relations… and a sweet tooth!

So today has been spent lying by my pool, basking in the sun that has been hidden by clouds and thundershowers all week long, and revisiting the fantastic evening I just had! The only downer is that, well, of course now I have a cold! I do have tickets to Cream at Amnesia tonight to go see Paul Van Dyk, but am seriously considering not going at all. We fairies like to party, but this particular fairy sure doesn’t need to rock it every single night, nor does she want to. There are so many wonderful things to do on this island, and feeling hung over and zombie-like for the majority of my time does not appeal to me, not even in the slightest. Tonight I am sitting and having dinner at a little restaurant in my favourite town of San Jose, sipping Hierbas and agua mineral natural, and am hooked up to my laptop computer, checking emails and downloading photos from last night. I stopped in to see my friend Alok again today, and after yesterdays downpour and today’s sunshine, the entire valley smells like sage and aloe, and the tree tops are glistening with new needles. Truly, this island is where I want to be.

I may stay a couple of days longer here. I just can’t seem to get up the nerve to pull myself away. Barcelona is a wonderful city and I am going to have fun exploring it, but being back on the isla reminds me of all the reasons I wanted to live here in the first place.