Thursday, December 31, 2009

Winter Continues

The next day, and my last day in Barcelona for awhile, was spent hanging out with my good friend, Jordi Garcia, whose name is a right proper Catalan one.  Jordi and I had a chance to see one another when I first moved to Spain back in September, and at that time we didn't speak Spanish together. We had to speak English.  This time we spoke almost entirely in Spanish.  It is such a good time, speaking another language!  Spanish is a lot of fun.  I loved being able to actually hear Jordi speak this time around, and now I'm also able to get the jist of his thoughts, mentality, and motivations.  Jordi is a very entrepreneurial Spaniard who is ready for a change.  His mind is always working, he comes up with good ideas with the snap of his fingers, and, true to his curious Sagittarian nature, he is always looking for better and brighter ways to do things.  Like me, the expansion of his Self has already started some time ago, and now a lot of the time he feels frustrated with Spain, the Spanish way of life, and the mentality.  He can't wait to leave the place!  It's funny: we both admit the grass always seems greener on the other side.  I love the weather in Spain, he says he wouldn't mind experiencing a change of the seasons and living in a wetter climate.  He is definitely ready to spread his wings.  Jordi, your moment is coming right around the corner!  You are so ready for it!

Jordi 'n me

Jordi has been a constant source of information and assistance to me while I was in Spain.  He knows Barcelona like the back of his hand.  He is the ultimate true friend.  Thanks for everything Jordi!

We met at Placa Catalunya and wandered down the Ramblas, talking and catching up the entire time.  I still had to ask him every now and again how to say something, and once or twice I had him say things differently so I could understand, but mostly I just thought it was groovy hanging out with him!  We ended up at this rustic tavern that you wouldn't even know was there if you weren't with Jordi.  La Oveja Negra was in a cave down some little side street in El Raval.  Normally the place packs like sardines, but on the afternoon that we went, there were only a few people sharing pitchers of beer or sangria, and playing foozball.  Long wooden tables and chairs, stone walls, and a big fireplace to keep yourself warm beside, I could easily imagine it having been at one time a very social, sloppy watering hole, complete with bar wenches serving sangria, and sailors a swillin'.  It was a cool day. 

I am now back in Vancouver and staying with my long time friend, Mark.  He is taking off to Mexico for three weeks, so I'm going to housesit for him, but it'll also be good for me to have a quiet home to crash in.  Not that Mark is loud, mind you.  I am keeping a low profile and not visiting or calling anyone yet, and simply holding on to my energy and strength that I gathered from my time in Espana.  I'm also preparing myself mentally for the month ahead, and keeping myself focussed. 


Today I got my car back, how I love my car!  It feels so good to crank the trance music and do my running around town in such a nice ride.  I have spent a good part of my first day back doing administrative stuff: buying groceries, going out to my storage unit, going through boxes, getting my cell phone up and working again (I have a new phone number!).  The weather here is typical Vancouver December weather, but it's not icy or snowing so that is good.  The sun goes down earlier here than it does in Spain.  In Spain you still have a bit of daylight at 5:30.  Here, by 4:30 it's black already.  It's not Valencia, I'll tell you.  And I do miss Valencia.  sigh...


I will not even have time to notice the weather, that's how busy I'll be this next month.  And I am glad for it.  Glad for a direction that will hopefully give me some strength to go back to Spain as soon as possible, and to stay for a good long while.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.  It's gonna be brutal.  But good!

While it's still early evening in Canada, it's a new year in Spain.  And in Holland, too.  Time for some new things. 

Charleen xo

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