Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This and That

A sunny spot to write on a random Valencian afternoon in December.

This post is going to be primarily photos and youtube links to share a bit of my daily life here in Valencia. 

Today I rode my bike through the Jardines del Turia again.  The sun was shining and the cool breeze was on my face, and suddenly I felt this huge rush of happiness charge right through me.  I tossed my head back, and with a big smile across my face I exhaled a massive sigh of relief and gratitude!  I just felt so completely friggin' happy!  And most importantly, I felt peace.  What a great city this is.  Since I've come to live here I've opened up a lot more and let go of a lot, too.  And I've done a lot of healing, a lot of getting clear.  One of the things I've just started to realize is the value in letting go of everything, of emptying yourself completely.  I can only speak from my own personal experiences, but what I've discovered is there seems to be a positive side to sadness, grief, and de-pression.  It's a DEcomPRESSION that happens on a psychological level, but seems to be necessary in order to build yourself up again.  After that, you're only a shell of the person you were before.  But inside, you're free and clear to start to fill yourself up with the things that make up and honour the new you.  At least that's how it looks to me.  Does that make sense?  So where I felt trapped and locked down before, now there is starting to be this awesome space, freedom, and tons of movement.  It's true that this period of letting go was pretty much forced on me, but now I'm free to recreate myself in any way I choose. 

I've started to really get into my writing and am truely fulfilled by it. It's almost as if my attitude is reflected by the open air, sunshine, exercise, and friendly people here in Valencia.  I'm really enjoying living here, and it seems to be exactly what the doctor ordered.  Basically put: Valencia rocks!  I hope you enjoy my life!

Roasted Castanas (chestnuts) for sale in Plaza de la Virgen

Plaza de la Virgen, a very cool place to hang out and have a cafe con leche, soak up the sun, and people watch.

The road to my barrie (side of town), Benimaclet, just across the Del Turia. 
I've either walked or rode my bike down it almost every day.

My street! 

This video is of my home at Padre Urbano 45, Valencia!  Taken Saturday, December 12, 2009. 

My roommates, Manu and Paolo (Mabel wasn't home when this picture was taken). 
For lunch: Paella. mmm!

Club Metropolitan - the gym I go to on the other side of town. 
It takes about 25 minutes at a fast peddle to ride my bike there, but it's totally worth it!

Inside Club Metropolitan - it's about 2:00 in the afternoon, siesta has just started. 
The gym gets super busy around siesta. 
I did always prefer a daytime workout...

Spin and sweat your ars off! 
The super HOT Tuesday afternoon spinning class I love going to! 
Thursday classes are awesome too! 

This video is of the spinning class I went to today.  
Watch it, and then just try and tell me you don't feel good!

Uh... my top is supposed to be light blue?!  I'm drenched!! 
What a fantastic class!

Plaza Alfonso el Magnanimo - Calle de Colon y Calle Grabador Esteve, Valencia
Old mixes with new!
There is so much history in this city!

This is a short video of the centre of Valencia on Calle de Colon -
just to show you how cool it is!  Taken just this afternoon!

(And I'm just going to leave you with one more video - not of Valencia but of the concert in Amsterdam.  I know it has nothing to do with my life in Valencia, but I'm still on a high from that experience!  My apologies: I had my thumb on the microphone!  whoopsie... )

On Thursday night there is another Meetup Group, but I think I may opt out and go to the Club Metropolitan Christmas party instead. Then on Friday morning bright and early I'm heading to Seville! I can't wait! Don Juan, here I come! :)

Charleen xo

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