Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Long Haul to Come Home

I didn't think I'd make it here.

Three days ago I came down with a flu that completely took me off my feet for two days.  I did have to go into work for a few hours to finish some month-end reporting, and that was difficult enough.  But what I found the most difficult was the fact that I knew I had to get on a plane for my two-week vacation to Espana!  How painful was that going to be??  So I popped as many vitamins, homeopathics and liquids as I could, and I tried not to wimper like a baby while doing it (because God knows I can be the world's biggest baby when I'm sick!).  Thursday morning came and, while I was still blowing my nose and coughing a bit, I could see I was totally on the mend.  Lucky for me I am a very well-organized person and so the majority of my packing had been done, and the other activities that one must do before travelling overseas (last minute shopping, running to the bank to exchange money, printing off travel reservations, etc), had been done.  My friend Malcolm helped me out a ton too by actually being there while I was sick to pump me full of hot liquids, and then when the time came he drove me to the airport as well.  Thanks Mal!

It has to be said that KLM is a great airline.  I was tickled when I had originally started looking for flights across the Atlantic that KLM actually had some great deals.  Not only that but their in-flight service is always excellent and I never have to worry about whether my luggage will get lost.  I love an efficient Dutch company!  The flight to Amsterdam was fine, except for the fact that, well, the only people in the cabin who didn't have video options were me and the other two gals in my row!  A teenager, a twenty-something year old, and myself got to know one another quite well because of the frustrations we were all having with our remote controls.  The cabin crew re-set the system several times and finally offered us each a KLM credit towards our next flight as a way of apologizing and making up for the boring 9 hour flight we had to endure.  Yes, a handful of movies would have definitely made the flight more entertaining, but THANKS KLM for the credit which I will definitely be using sometime in the next year.  Now, where should I go?  hmmm.....

A long layover in Amsterdam was maybe exactly what the doctor had ordered, even though originally my travel plans only included a couple of hours' stay at the airport there.  Thankfully my good friend Ries stepped up to the plate and planned some business meetings in Amsterdam for himself that morning, making it super easy for him to pick me up and whisk me away for the day!  Weather was on our side yesterday for sure!  It was fantastically warm and sunny, and Amsterdammers were out in fine fashion soaking up the sun in every corner of the city.  I like them even more now.  Having previously traveled to the Netherlands at other times of the year, a hot day in June was a nice change.  The city was absolutely twinkling with energy, and Ries rolled down the roof of his vintage Mercedes as we sped around the city.  He has always been a great tour guide - in his next lifetime he says he'll come back and he'll be a Specialty Tour Guide - offering tours and charm to women only.  hee hee.  Oh Ries.  You smoothie you.

Ries' new baby - his 1973 Mercedes

I had hoped that I would have had time to drop into the Van Gogh Museum but I liked Ries' idea of driving to the Museum Park and taking a walk, and then hitting a cool nook of the city to sit outside and have lunch! Van Gogh will have to wait, but I did get to see the Park itself which is something that I'd only seen pictures of before.  Parks and green spaces are just as important, if not more important, to the Dutch as they are for us in Canada.

Museum Park, with Rijks Museum in the background

I think I was so stunned to be there that it didn't really even hit me until we drove back through the center of town by all the famous canals and side streets, bicyclists everywhere riding off to get fresh air and hit a sunny patch of patio somewhere.  A fairy is at home in Amsterdam, that is for certain.  :)

Can you see Richard's apartment?  
Perfect location right in the centre of Jordaan

Beer me please, Ries!  thank you!

A little square in the centre of Jordaan

It's so cool!  Wouldn't you agree?

We sat out at this outdoor restaurant/bar just down the street from Ries' apartment in the Jordaan part of Amsterdam, where there really aren't too many tourists and you get a better feeling for the true Amsterdam way of life.  As I was enjoying my beer and watching people walk by I thought to myself "yep, I could live here".  You know how it's become so unusual in Vancouver for people who are sitting at the table next to yours in a restaurant or on a patio to not even say hello or have small talk with you?  You know how everyone in Vancouver ignores one another like they're all too good for one another?  Well that doesn't happen in Amsterdam.  I guess it doesn't happen anywhere!  I love getting away from Vancouver and from Canada - it makes me realize that the people there and the mentalities aren't really that normal, even though everyone thinks they're so wise so good.  I always get a blank stare or strange look if I happen to speak to a total stranger in Vancouver.  But not here in Amsterdam, not anywhere really.  So this is my dose of reality.  It may seem like a vacation but it's actually an opportunity for me to get back to myself!  

Afterwards we did a bit of strolling through the shopping area and the red light district, all the while Ries and I talked and chatted as if hanging out with one another for the day was so standard for us.  We haven't lost our ability to get in sync with one another instantly, and I guess that's why we fell for one another those few years ago when we first met.  Now it's just really nice for me to have Ries as a good friend in my life, someone who knows some of the deeper parts of my life and my struggles, and I his.  We have a good friendship, I always feel blessed when I see him again and I am reminded how important it is to stay in touch with people and to make an effort, even if they live overseas.  Ries taking time out of his busy schedule to come and spend a sunny afternoon with me, the two of us elemental's laughing and being curious and walking together hand in hand all day, meant the world to me!  I am a lucky girl to have a friend in him.  

The day went by so quickly!  It was a very successful and fun layover in Amsterdam and when I got back to Schiphol I have to say that I actually felt a little teary-eyed - as if maybe I shouldn't be getting right back onto a plane and heading for Spain.  Why not stay right here in the Netherlands!?  I love listening to the accent and the language, and I manage to understand some things too (don't ask me how, I've never studied a word of Dutch in my life!)  Well, thanks to KLM I have a nice little advantage on a ticket to come back this way within a year.  Queen's Day?  ASOT 700?  Anything?

Back at Schiphol

As I boarded the plane for Madrid, I actually had a bit of a panic attack.  I actually felt scared for the first time in my life to come to Spain.  I was leaving the fun, playful twirl of the Dutch language and now had to quickly tune in to hearing Spanish (and to speaking it too), and for some reason instead of being excited I was a little saddened.  Well, after almost 24 hours of travel I think I was more than a little tired and emotional, and the whirl-wind of a brilliant day I just had was making me feel all nostalgic and romantic about the city and the people living in it.  What was I doing?  Misty-eyed, I layed my head against the window while we took off into the sunset, and crashed out hard, dreaming about magical, fairy-like Dutch folk and trance music.  I woke up with some confusion as to where I was about 20 minutes before we landed in Madrid.  

I just needed to write about this day really quickly and get my feelings out on it, because I have a couple of weeks worth of writing ahead of me and no better time than the present to get into the groove.  Furthermore, I just didn't want to let yesterday's brilliance get away from me.  One day I will go back to Amsterdam and I will STAY for a good long while.  I'll even get a bike.  :)  For now though, I have a credit to use which ensures I'll be back sometime in the next 365 days.  ha!

I landed in Madrid without a hitch.  Dazed and more than exhausted, I somehow got myself into a taxi and rambled the address of my hotel to the Spanish cab driver, who must've realized by the sight of me just how friggin' tired I was.  I thought of the week I'd had while we drove off into the night, and I looked inside myself to see how I was doing.  Yep Charleen, you are tired, your nose is still running just a little bit and you are still coughing just a tad, but you are more than good.  You are awesome.  :)

Thanks Amsterdam!  Hola Madrid!

Write more soon,
Charleen xo

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