Friday, July 1, 2011

June Gloom

Toronto, ON - looking south down Yonge Street

June Gloom is what Californian’s call the hazy cloud that covers that state in the later part of May and into June, and which makes you think that it’s a very gloomy, cold day.  The thing about June Gloom though is that the “gloom” always burns off by about 1:00 in the afternoon revealing bright, bold sunshine and blue skies, and makes everyone smile again.

Well here in Vancouver we have been experiencing June Gloom pretty much all day and every day since the winter, but without the afternoon burn-off.  People are very unhappy about it; depressed, anxious, bitchy towards one another, and generally cranky about everything.   We blame Mother Nature completely for the awful weather, but the reality is that there can never be any relief in that type of blame.  For how can you blame something or someone who really doesn’t exist at all?  I often feel the need to get away from things, but at the beginning of June the weather was still so crappy that I decided enough was enough and bought myself a ticket to Toronto to visit my good friend Donna.  I needed to shake out the cobwebs and wanted to feel the night life there, but it also happened to be the same weekend that she was celebrating her 40th birthday, which gave me even more reason to go.  Donna is a good friend, one of my oldest friends, and she and I have each been around the block more than a few times.   We met at work back in the 90’s and have remained solid friends since then even though we actually didn’t work together for long.  Well anyways, let’s just say Donna is always good to go for a party, and we made the weekend a big one. 

Donna making martinis

Donna lives in a high-rise apartment on Toronto’s famous Yonge Street, and her home gives her an excellent view of all Toronto.  After arriving at Pearson Airport, I made my way through the city to meet her there on a Friday night.  She was prepared for the start of our weekend long celebration together, and had made delicious Cosmopolitan martinis just like the ones the girls and I used to drink back in the day.  It was a welcoming gesture, and we festively got ready for our girls-night-out by playing loud house music and sipping Cosmos, chatting, laughing, and telling stories.


The great thing about Toronto is that if you don’t want to use their excellent transportation system to get around (subway or trolley car), then you can just step out onto the street and hail a cab NYC style any time of the day.  Our destination for the evening was Sotto Sotto, a very cool Italian restaurant in the Yorkville section of town, and a place where many celebrities dine during the Toronto International Film Festival.  My biggest beef about Vancouver, and you’ve all heard me whine about it before, is that the night life sucks!  Well in Toronto there is no lack of it, and there’s no lack of people to go out and enjoy it with either!  Donna’s girlfriend, Emily, had planned a girls-night-out-dinner, and for me it was so sweet to get dressed up and don the high heels and pull out the fancy hand bags for.  Honestly, I’d almost forgotten how to do it!  All the girls were super fun and sexy, powerful and intuitive, and we had a wonderful dinner together.  Oh, and the restaurant was excellent too!

Afterwards we went for a cocktail at PrivĂ© just down the street, a hip-hop lounge where everyone looked flash!  All the other girls were thoroughly enjoying the atmosphere and the music.  It was a good crowd I have to admit, but who can listen to hip hop for an entire night?  Donna and I drank one drink, looked at each other and knew what we had to do.  We kissed everyone on each cheek, grabbed our jackets, and flagged down another cab.  Because after all, there’s no sense in going all the way to Toronto to listen to bad music!  No sir, Donna and I had another idea in mind.  It was called a “David Morales at Maison” kind of idea!  So for the rest of the evening we danced until literally we couldn’t walk anymore (about 4:00 a.m.) and the straps of our sandals cut into our swollen feet giving us blisters on all sides.  I guess the martinis and the vodka-with–sodas probably helped us to not feel our feet until it was almost too late!  But we didn’t care, and it was so worth it!  Maison is a moderate sized night club, decked out, and with an outdoor Barcelona -style terrace for those long, hot Toronto nights.  One of the last times I had seen David Morales was at Cavo Paradisio on Mykonos, and that was years ago.  The big, hunky, gay, tattooed stud did not let us down, let’s just say that.  He just kept on spinning the funky beats and the entire crowd was just one big perma- grin.  We partied like we were still 30 years old - it was a great night!

Um, who is this rock star?  Does anyone know? He seemed miffed that I didn't...? 

Donna 'n me (remember her?)

Back stage with David Morales

Our aching feet!

And there’s another great thing about Toronto: when you go out, people are nice to one another.  I mean they actually talk with you and wish you well.  Go figure, huh?  They don’t shove by you or act like they are better than you.  All the pretentiousness and coldness of the Vancouver night life is hundreds of miles away while you’re in Toronto, and you remember that it is normal to go out and have a good time whatever your age, whatever your style!  Three cheers for Toronto! 

Thunder storm over Toronto

The next day, even though we were completely hung-over, we now 40-something year olds woke up relatively early, ate a healthy breakfast and re-capped the evening while watching the thunder showers and lightning fall upon the city of Toronto.  I had been told that TO thunder-showers can be quite the sight, and I have to admit it was pretty amazing to watch.  The thunder booms so loudly that you’d think it happened right next to your head, and the entire sky lights up creating quite a dramatic visual of the city.  The storm didn’t last long though, and we were off by subway to Queen Street West for shopping and lunch.  Donna bought a couch (yes, a couch!), and I bought a dress.  Then Donna’s sister, Julie, met us for lunch in the park, and we watched the funky people walk by.  There are so many people living in Toronto that anyone can afford to create their own style and step out exactly the way they want.  I really dig that.  I really dig Toronto.   

Queen Street West

Julie and Donna

After heading back to Donna’s apartment for a well-needed siesta, later that evening we took the subway back downtown to her boyfriend’s place where he was waiting for us with a delicious home-made spaghetti dinner, and martinis similar to the ones we were drinking the night before.   Donna and Pete have been dating for a few months now and it was plain to see that they were both smitten with one another.  Pete was a real gentleman, and a lot of fun to party with too.  The destination: Guvernment.   It is one of Toronto’s largest night clubs and hosts the world’s biggest DJ’s.  Therefore it also pulls in the largest crowds.  Above and Beyond were playing, and even though I’d also seen them only weeks before at the Commodore in Vancouver, I was still excited to be seeing them again.  That night they absolutely blew the top off the place, and I can easily say that I have NEVER been to a party quite as wild and out of control as that one.  I’m still shocked, but not shocked enough to never go back again.  No, I’d definitely go back!  But next time I will be more mentally prepared to deal with the crowd.  Wowza! Another two-thumbs up!

Toronto at night

Pete and Donna


Donna, Pete, me

The next day, even more knackered than the day before, the sun was shining bright and the heat was on.  A balmy 26 degrees, and Donna and I got on our shorts and flip flops and made for The Beaches, a part of Toronto farther east and along the Great Lake.  Someone had said to me once: “Why would you go to The Beaches?  It’s crap, no one goes there…”, but after going and seeing the area myself, I am now starting to think that that person has no idea what she was talking about.  I loved it!  There was tons of beach space for people who want to lay out and get their summer roasts on, and probably about 60 volleyball nets for those who don't!  A sea wall/jogging path that goes for miles is well connected to Queen Street East which boasts tons of groovy little eateries and pubs, which again is all connected via trolley cars to downtown.  It was a super hot day and we had a breezy, laid back afternoon together.  I even dipped my toes into the water for good measure.  Then later on that afternoon it was more browsing and shopping on Queen Street.

Queen Street East

The Beaches

It was a quick trip but I think both Donna and I can say that the girls deserve a weekend like that every now and again.  I used to think Toronto was a place full of snobs and closed-minded people, and way too crowded to really have any fun.  Well I was wrong.  Toronto Rocks!

Thompson, Sharon, Brad, and Shayda

Back in Vancouver though, the weather definitely has not warmed up or resemble anything near what I think a summer should look like.  My brother and family from Victoria did come over for dinner one night and the sun stayed out long enough so that we could enjoy a BBQ on my back patio, which was awesome!

Out on the Street - Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs

Of course I do need to mention the Stanley Cup playoffs in this posting, the final series specifically, when the city of Vancouver became an absolutely Party-Fest every night of the week, a la: Canada vs. USA in the 2010 Olympics.  I’m sure I’m the only one in the city that doesn’t now own a Canuck’s jersey, as everyone in Vancouver even started wearing theirs to work!  We were very stoked, and even I admit I was very optimistic about the outcome.  I will always remember Game 5 specifically, when it seemed everyone in the city was drinking and partying, including yours truly.  A spontaneous outing with a handful of my workmates proved to be a night to remember.  Yes, even I finally jumped on the band wagon to celebrate what we all thought was definitely going to end in the Canucks taking home the Stanley Cup.  Well, do I really need to say much more about that?  I think the only thing I will say is that everything that happened afterwards in our city is so completely embarrassing and disgusting that I find it difficult to speak about without getting angry.  I can also easily say that those weren’t Vancouverites destroying our city.  No, that was riff-raff from the suburbs.  Scum really.  Too bad we live so close to them.

But let’s not talk about that, shall we?  Ahem…

At the Vancouver International Jazz Festival

Car Free Day - Commercial Drive

Danielle and Me at Jazz Fest

With no beach weather in sight, I’ve started looking around for other things to do, such as getting out to festivals and street-markets.  Car-Free Day on Commercial Drive was fun, and also The Jazz Festival has just started.  Danielle and I went down last weekend to play in the streets. 

For me work has started becoming more and more stressful as each week goes by, and without the sunshine to help get you through the doldrums, it makes it hard for everyone to remain open and cheerful.   But I see all around me that there’s no lack of enthusiasm for summer, and everyone is endlessly optimistic that we will have one.  Let’s hope July will bring out the sunshine! 

 Love, Charleen xo

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