Friday, April 9, 2010

Trance and Tulips

....just two of the many things that wonderful Holland is known for!

Some thought I was totally bonkers heading to The Netherlands for only a weekend.  But me, I didn't even flinch when I packed my carry-on suitcase.  It's become second nature to me, and as I'm still  kinda living out of my suitcases anyways, packing for a weekend away with Ries was a total no-brainer.  In fact it was one of the easiest packing jobs I've ever done.

Fully collecting airmiles all the way, on Friday afternoon I hopped on a plane bound for Amsterdam where my lover, friend, and confidant was waiting for me at the gate on a Saturday afternoon.  Always a joyful reception, we held one another for a long time and probably caused a scene for those who don't like public shows of affection.  Misty eyed and smiling, we walked hand in hand through the airport as if no time had passed between us at all, and hopped into his Lexus and drove to the city of Utrecht where the Trance Energy 2010 concert was going to be held that night.

We drove for about 35 minutes to the Hotel Houten, checked in, and then I crashed really hard as soon as my head hit the pillow.  I knew if I didn't get even a little bit of sleep, I'd never be able to make it through the night.  We were in for a long one and at 10:30 we were supposed to meet up with the friends that we had met in December at the Best of Both Worlds in Amsterdam, and their group of rowdies.  I knew I'd have enough time for a much needed siesta, a quick shower, and dinner with Ries.  

Our room at the Houten

After an amazing dinner of sea bass and mussels, we downed two double espressos and met everyone in the lobby.  Altogether there were 11 of us in total, excitedly jumping into cabs and driving off to the concert.  Trance Energy is an annual event that is held at Jaarbeurs, a massive conference centre in the middle of Utrecht.  I expected only the best from this show, and I'd done my research and knew I wouldn't be let down.  The place was huge and the event was organized to perfection.  Tunnels and passageways leading to any of the four separate rooms where the world's top trance DJ's were playing were well marked, lit, and easy to get to if you didn't mind walking for a bit.  There were lockers at the front entrance, and obvious signage leading to washrooms, bars, token purchase, merchandise sales, and even various first aid areas throughout.  This sort of efficiency always makes partying easier!  With four different rooms to choose from, each with a full schedule running till 6:00 in the morning, it was going to be difficult to take it all in.  Luckily everyone was on the same page: we all wanted to spend the majority of our time partying in the Main Stage room!

We knew we had to take this picture at the beginning of the night!

The Main Stage 

The lineup for the Main Stage was: 22:00 Nic Chagall (we didn't get there in time to see him), 23:00 BT (totally rockin' it when we got there), 00:05 Markus Schulz, 01:20: Armin van Buuren plugged-in via satellite from NYC (you could tell everyone in Holland is so proud of the guy),

Armin on the big screen

01:40 Above and Beyond, 03:15 Sander van Doorn, 04:35 Gareth Emery, and 05:45 Simon Patterson and Sean Tyas.

Sander van Doorn!

The theme for the night must have been to play it as hard and as fast as they possibly could, which left the entire crowd freaking losing it!  All the DJ's were awesome, but hands down my top pick of the evening was Sander van Doorn! By the time he came on of course none of us were feeling any pain.  We were still able to converse with one another though!  ha! 

(And talking about conversing, I just want to mention how very cool it is that everyone in Holland speaks English.  Like, EVERYONE.  Furthermore, they all thought it was very wild that I'd come in all the way from Canada to party with them.  You know how it is: striking up a conversation with the person dancing next to you, he/she inevitably asks where I'm from, etc etc, then they'd find out, look at me wide-eyed, and then drag over all their friends, saying "She's here from Canada...!"  Then all their friends would look at me in disbelief, but then shake my hand and welcome me warmly.  Then we'd all dance together a bit, talk a bit, and the night continued on like that...very cool people, the Dutch.)

Incredibly, the group of us all managed to stick together for the majority of the evening, but at around 4:30 a.m. someone finally suggested we go check out the High Contrast room.  So we all broke up and made our way slowly there, just in time to re-group and take in Jochen Miller, who turned out to be great!  The High Contrast room was super decked out with disco balls and lights hanging from the roof, and the music was wild. 

High Contrast Room

I admit that we did lose one of the girls for a short time, but luckily someone texted her and she came to find us just in time to eat frozen popsicles and treats - reminiscent of The Best of Both Worlds.  So hilarious to look around and see all of us eating these popsicles!

mmmm, popsicles!

 Here's a bit of a wobbily clip... sorry!

some boyz from France - very naughty!

I remember moments about that night when I looked around and saw everyone dancing and laughing and talking together, and moments where some of us needed a little bit of extra help and the rest of us all stayed close for support, and then other moments where I just could not believe that I was fortunate enough to be back in Holland dancing to some of the finest trance music in the world.  And get this: not one fight broke out the entire night!  Not one!  (Canadians are, in comparison, agro barbarians who can't handle their liquor and quite probably use it as an excuse to get into all kinds of trouble.)  This party was far from being the slop-fest you would think 60,000 people partying together under the same roof would be.  It was awesome!  But by about 5:30 a.m. I was pretty much done, and I think everyone else was almost there too, too.  Ries and I hailed a cab with one of the other couples and went back to the hotel.  By 6:00 we were cozy and warm, and sleeping back at the Houten.  What a fantastic event that was, and the crowd of friends we went with made it an even more brilliant night!  For me, it's not important that I go out to night clubs every Saturday night anymore.  Nah, I'd rather save my energy and time for a super great event like this one, even if it means travelling all the way to The Netherlands to do it!  It was completely worth it!

The next day was Easter Sunday, and Ries and I went for breakfast in the town of Utrecht.  Ries did his best to be a tour guide for me, and considering how bagged we both were, we still managed to get in a bit of sight seeing.   

Utrecht.  Reminds me of a little Amsterdam.

 Here's us driving around Utrecht - great little town!

After breakfast we went back to the hotel and crashed for another three hours, but woke up super bright eyed and bushy tailed!  I wanted to see more of Holland and Ries happily obliged me.  He drove me around the countryside where thousands of tulips filled acres and acres of pastures.  Isn't it true that when you think of Holland you think of tulips??  I sure do.  Tulips and wooden shoes...

Talking the entire time and cranking the trance music, Ries then drove us to the beaches where we stood in the cold wind and looked out to the North Sea.

But the day didn't end there.  As is standard when Ries and I are together, we somehow seem to have more energy than usual (or maybe love gives you more energy?) and always spend our entire time out and about, exploring and talking about everything under the sun.  I asked "Where are we going now, hun?" and he replied "Haarlem"!!  Here I didn't think we were going to have the energy to do anything but sleep all day Sunday.  I'm sure glad I was wrong.  Haarlem is a fantastic, magical little city.  If you ever get the chance you should go!


Ries and me - brrrr, it was so windy!

the view from inside a warm and cozy bistro

Ries.  He is big on communication.  Until Ries, I had never met a man who wasn't afraid to talk about what he's feeling.  Even if he doesn't understand what he's feeling, Ries still somehow finds a way to discuss it.  I think that is awesome.  I listen to him talk and I don't interrupt him, even if what he is saying pushes my sensitive buttons.  It's just too easy to get your guard up and assume something negative about what you think you just heard the other person say, when really, if you wait and hear the person out, you realize that you've just had the opportunity to learn something totally new and beautiful about them.  We ask one another tons of questions, and we answer 100% honestly.  I know, I know.  You are probably thinking "Yeah right, that never happens in relationship."  Well it does with Ries.  There are no "guessing games" between him and I, and through him I am learning how to trust again.  Even though we're still getting to know one another, I know that he has my back.  This past weekend he proved to me more than once that he cares for me. He was gentle, loving, very wise, and he absolutely wants to support me in everything I do.   

And I don't think I have to tell you how damn good that feels!

After dinner we drove back to the hotel and I watched the signs go by...  ... We could have taken the turn off for Paris/Brussells/London, but decided against it.  Ah well, maybe next time?   

My flight back to Vancouver came all too soon on Monday morning.  I think Ries and I are getting good at tearful goodbyes.  We know to expect them, but we also know that we're going to get through them.  We are 5000 miles away from one another physically, but our hearts are seriously closer than that. 

So I'll have to see you soon again, Holland!

Charleen xo

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