Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Canada Day Long Weekend

Leigh, Hileray and me in Las Vegas several years ago -
when we were still young, single, and DANGEROUS!

It definitely wasn't the warmest Canada Day on record. In fact we wore our rain jackets and hoodies just in case!  My best friends, Leigh and Hileray, and I went to Lilith Fair which was being held at Ambleside Park in West Vancouver.  It was Leigh who bought us the tickets as a surprise, but kept our Canada Day Celebration a secret until the very afternoon we were meant to go!  All I knew is that we were going to an outdoor event and to dress appropriately.  It was a great gift, and it was the first time the three of us had gotten together for a few hours of fun, sans babies, sans husbands/boyfriends, in so many years it hurts to even count.  Even though it was chilly out, we had a fantastic day!  Lots of good girl time to catch up and share, and we even enjoyed the beer gardens!

We had to "double-fist" because the line up for alcohol was sooo friggin' long! 

Then when we finally got our first round of drinks, we went and stood back in line again - 40 minutes to get through it!  No, this was definitely not an event planned in strategic Netherlands, and we all would have been really cranky about the wait if we hadn't been guzzling and in such good company already.  Thank goodness it wasn't raining!

By the time we got through the alcohol line the second time we had finished our first rounds of drinks.  The girls impressed me with their guzzling capabilities - almost like that trip to Las Vegas, eh ladies? 

Lilith Fair
Headliners included: Erykha Badu, Sheryl Crow, Sarah McLaghlin and Sugarland

I've been working a little bit as a temp at Vancity.  I have no further comments about this, except for to say that I am still looking for something greater.  But I do notice how I just don't have the energy or the inspiration to write when I'm busy at work all day, and that is definitely a drag.  It's a total zap of my creative energy.  I shall endure it for now...

Saturday I decided it was high time for a dance party type celebration, and I went with Danielle and her new boyfriend, Mike, who was DJing at Fortune along side of Julius Papp from San Francisco.  Mike and Julius made a great team, and the crowd was really appreciative of their deep house beats.  And I have to say that this Trance Queen was quite impressed also.

Thanks for inviting me along, Danielle!

Danielle, Mike, and Julius

The weather in Vancouver has turned from strangely chilly to super warm, and we are now finally enjoying temperatures in the high 20's and low 30's, which I love!  I will be spending as much time as I can in the sunshine.  Last night I skipped my yoga class to go for a long power walk in the heat with Maggie, and I may overlook a few yoga classes and choose to get outdoors over the next couple of months.  I did get to a fantastic Led class on Canada Day morning that I was up bright and early for, and then Adam and Theresa made the class a yummy vegan brunch.  It was a great way to ring in the summer!

Canada Day Breakfast and Yoga

As I'm finding it difficult to be inspired to write, I can only give a brief summary of the things that have been going on.  I was happy to have my sister, Colette, and her husband Larry in town the other night and they joined me for a bbq at my house.  I will probably go and visit my youngest brother and his family some time this month as they are expecting their second child any day now, and I'm excited to become an Auntie again!  Other than that, everything else is still up in the air since I am still looking for work.  It feels like I am still just waiting for things to happen, and that is seriously annoying.  I am learning how to detach and enjoy the moment.  I have no choice really.

I can say that this coming weekend will be fun not only because the weather is going to be excellent, but because I am expecting a visitor!  I can't give you much information on this right now, but I can say that there will be a distinctly Dutch energy around my house this coming weekend. :)

For now, all else is still a mystery.  Maybe I'm not supposed to have any answers quite yet?

Charleen xo

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