Sunday, January 29, 2012

Grateful for Girlfriends

I've had a busy afternoon getting my hair coloured and doing groceries, and get home around 4:30 p.m.  On the way home I had also stopped in at Leigh's new place on Lonsdale to pick up a bag of organic apples that I order from her distributor every two weeks.  Leigh is my best friend, I've known her since we were both in junior high.  There's not a lot that I can hide from her, she instinctively knows if anything's going on with me.  She gave me a quick update on her current social and emotional state, and then I gave her mine.  It's funny, but it felt like just being in the room together for a few short minutes made us feel both better.  The healing energy of friendship works almost instantly.  We kissed one another on both cheeks and then I was off across the north shore and back over the Second Narrows Bridge in the late Saturday afternoon traffic.  Traffic is always insane on Saturdays, and after a busy day I always feel so relieved to get back to the comfort and warmth of my own home.
One of the more recent pictures of Leigh and I, taken on BC Ferries a couple of months ago

I was starving when I got in so quickly whipped up some tuna with eggless mayo and dill pickles, and pulled out a box of rice crackers.  After devouring it while simultaneously checking my email, I laid down on my comfy memory foam bed, in the clean sheets that I'd just washed this morning, and had a delicious siesta full of good feeling, colourful, playful dreams . Total relaxation at last!  I absolutely adore afternoon siestas.

An hour later, bright eyed and bushy tailed, I stretched luxuriously in my warm covers, and then jumped out of bed ready to tackle the rest of the days' challenges: I had plans to bake a cherry pie!  Yup, my first cherry pie ever!  Last summer I spent a lot of time in the Okanagan and got carried away by all the "Cherries for Sale" signs along the road.  I remember purchasing my very own cherry pitter and telling myself that the loads of cherries I was purchasing were going to taste sooooo goooood in the middle of winter. So now the big day had finally come!  The timing was right.  I was ready!
Donna V and me out in Toronto, June 2011

Right before I started in on the task, I got onto my computer and skyped Donna V in Toronto.  Being 3 hours ahead, she was already in full Saturday night relaxation mode!  We chatted briefly about what we'd been up to since our weekend began - she had spent Friday eve decorating her apartment and sipping red wine, while I had met Deb, an old co-worker friend of mine, for drinks and appies at the lounge at the Hotel Georgia, something that we've both enjoyed doing together for the last couple months or so.  Then Donna and I quickly briefed one another on what our prospective Sundays would look like - she has plans to watch a DVD or two, and then maybe do a bit of studying, and I have plans to do nothing but go at my own pace, and I plan on enjoying my quiet time thoroughly.  Heck, maybe I'll get to an Ashtanga yoga class, who knows?  We threw a few inside jokes into the conversation, a giggle or three, and then we hung up.  Donna is the girlfriend who I BBM every morning during the weekdays, and usually we BBM into the afternoon too.  We keep in constant communication with one another and are one another's moral support during our stressful work week.

Picture of Deb and I taken recently at Coast - another fairy to get into trouble with!  Love it!

The pastry was already rolled, so it was just a matter of measuring out the right ingredients, adding my thawed bag of Okanagan cherries, and then watching it thicken on the stove.  I tasted it the entire way through, concered about my cherry pie baking abilities.  Mmmm, the yummy, thick red, syrupy concoction was divine, and I smiled to myself as I poured it into the home-made crust, topped it with another crust, pinched the sides together and poked some slits in the top, and finally popped it into the oven. 

Of course my faaavourite TV show, Sex and The City, is playing its regular Saturday night, 3-hour marathon which started at 7:00 p.m., so this eve I've been flowing between the kitchen and the living room for the past three hours, it now being 10:00 p.m.  I even poured myself a glass of sherry, and have had the time to leisurely pan fry some chicken, and then threw it into the oven with a bunch of chopped root vegetables all mixed with rosemary, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil.  And mmm: salt.

I love salt, especially when it's mixed with fresh lemon juice.  I admit it.  :)
Pennie and me out on an impromptu date last weekend at Coast.  Ain't she gawgeous?

But the multi-tasking doesn't stop there, oh no.  While everything else is going on, Pennie and I have been texting one another all evening long as she's also enjoying the Sex and The City Saturday night marathon.  Pennie and I went out for an impromptu evening together last Saturday night and had a really great time.  It was one of those occasions that was completely unplanned until about 4:30 last Saturday afternoon, so there weren't the same expectations or visions that one anticipates when there's a planned event coming up.  We had delighted in getting dressed up and doing our makeup a little heavier, and both of us love the vibe and the people watching components of a Saturday night downtown.  Throughout the night we laughed out loud and didn't care who heard us, caused a stir by flirting with every hunky man that walked by our seats (there were lots of them!), chatted about everything under the sun, ate some delicious food and drank probably a little too much.  We had started at Coast and then went on to Black & Blue, and then finally hailed a cab and went down to Granville Street where we payed a horrendous $18 just to get into Barcelona Ultra Lounge to go dancing.  We didn't care - it was worth it!  Pennie is a friend who I've known about 10 years now, and part of the original gaggle of geese I used to party with back in the day.  She is now a mother and a wife, and a very responsible school teacher who lives in Richmond.  Ahem!  I am so glad we were both available for a last minute "Girls Night Out".  So tonight we have been giggling via text with one another, making comments about the show, and I can almost hear her joyful voice as if she was sitting beside me all over again.

A recent pic of Maggie (right) and me, and her friend Lynda when we were all out
at DIGWEED, December 30, 2011.  Great show!

Of course Saturday night just isn't complete without reaching out to my good buddy, Maggie.  It was absolutely mandatory to find the time to catch up this eve!  Maggie is now living in New West in her new apartment overlooking the river, while here I sit at home in South Granville.  We know one another well enough that I can totally picture her poking around her new home and lounging with her cat, Manolo, who to me seems more like a brother than a cat! Truly. She has her family there with her. We are both feeling the safety and warmth of our own homes tonight, us single gals.  Maggie spent the day up at Whistler where she said the winds were strong and the temperature was cold, but the snow was amazing!  She had a super day, and even connected for a couple runs with Yota.  Yota I rarely get to see anymore, but when Maggie tells me about their day together I feel like I was there alongside of them.  I feel my heart strings reaching out to Yota and a grin breaks out across my face.  It's funny but true: it's not easy to always meet with someone in person, but at least friends keep us connected to our other friends.  Maggie is one of the only remaining friends I have (besides Donna and Deb) who is boyfriendless/husbandless and/or childless.  But now that she lives in New West, and especially since we're both so busy both with our jobs and extra-curricular activities, we usually have to "plan"to see one another.  Maggie is always so cheerful and ready to go especially when it comes to dancing (we both love trance).  So tonight we briefly catch up and she makes me laugh while we discuss possible summer plans together. 

Now it's 10:15 pm and my baked chicken dinner is almost ready.  After that I'll slice myself a piece of my cherry pie which I plan on slathering with whipping cream.  And why not? 

If I feel up to it I'll watch a movie.  The candles in my living room have burned down quite a ways now, and I'm going to replenish the tea lights that I lit a few hours ago.  Maybe I'll do my nails at the same time, maybe I'll just simply laze with my big red, fuzzy blanket on my big, while fluffy couch.  I don't know yet. But whatever it is it's going to feel good, just like the entire day has.  This is the interlocking of my Aquarius Sun and my Taurus Rising.  This is a little slice of heaven.

My thoughts can't help but drift all the way south to Las Vegas, NV, where my very good friend, Hilary, is currently celebrating her 40th birthday.  I wish I could be with her.  I hope you're have a completely debauched time, Hil!
The most recent picture I have of Hilary (left) taken with Leigh and I in North Van this past month.  The three of us used to be inseparable before husbands and kids, etc etc.

This evening it occurs to me that my girlfriends and I have kindof come full circle.  There was a time not too long ago where I couldn't handle too much girlfriend time and wanted only to be left alone.  Now once again I feel like I have friends all around me.  It's different than before, it's a deeper, richer friendship that I'm experiencing with them.  Honestly there are still some days where I can feel blue - of course there are times where I sometimes still wished I had children, or someone to come home to.  But tonight I have to say that I feel lucky for treating myself so well and for giving myself space and time to spoil myself, but also because it is obvious that I'm not at all alone.  I've got a nice group of friends who I love and who love me. 

It's true that people come and go in our lives.  Some people leave and then come back later, others were never meant to stay long but new people come in and take their place.  We are all following our own paths, and none of us have been immune from learning some hard lessons.  But then once in a while, especially if we still have more to learn from one another, we merge back onto the same road.  On a rainy evening in January when it would seem I am alone, the reality is that I am completely surrounded by loving people.  Tonight my home is warm not just because I've cranked that thermostat, but because of all the love that my friends have given me.

Way back in the day women were respected for their ability to create magic and speak with their thoughts.  Tonight I was reminded about the magic of love.  I heard your thoughts, I felt them.  And lots of good vibes and love coming right back atchooz, chicas!

Love, Charleen xo

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Just wanted to say that I prefer to refer to myself as "child/husband/boyfriend-free"!
